울산대학교 | 천면중교수


Knowledge Management(MBA)

제13장 지식관리시스템
작성자 천** 작성일 2012-11-05 조회수 725

1. Food for Thought

A. Domestic

(01) 윤여중, "전략의 나침반, 경쟁정보를 확보하라", LG주간경제, 2007. 7. 4.

(02) 박찬욱, "미래의 생존력, 적응우위가 결정한다", POSRI 이슈리포트, 2018. 10. 11.

B. Foreign

(01) Alavi & Leidner, "Knowledge Management Systems: Issues, Challenges, and Benefits",

      Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Feb. 1999.

(02) Alavi & Leidner, "Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management

      Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues", MIS Quarterly, Mar. 2001.

(03) Assegaff & Hussin, "Review of Knowledge Management Systems As Socio-Technical

      System", 2012.

(04) Baharuddin, Izhar, Mohamad, & Hasnol "A Framework Based Knowledge Management

      System(KMS) for Dynamic Decision-Making (DDM)", International Journal of Academic

      Research in Business and Social Sciences, Apr. 2016.

(05) Zouari & Dakhli, "A Multi-Faceted Analysis of Knowledge Management Systems",

      Procedia Computer Science, 2018.



2. Lecture Notes